On 15 September 2015
Today it's a good weather. But I late again felt so sad and guilty. When class began the teacher answer homework about "Technology". Next, I learned new the lesson is "Fashion". The teacher practice pronunciation from Cambridge Dictionaries online such as fashion, sneakers, fishnet stockings, kimono, T-shirt, halter top, platform shoes, miniskirt, jeans, make up and high heels. First activities is go out to write opinion about "Fashion" on the bored. Second activities do on worksheet is label the pictures using the words from the list. Third activities is read and check answers in topic "Fusion? Confusion!". After reading I find the topic each paragraph and share in group. Next, agent of each group go out to write answer about topic each paragraph. This activities it takes a long time. When finish this activities I do pre-reading 2 is check the sentences you think are true, answer the question, find he six verb in bold in the text and complete the sentences with the verb from the previous exercise.
I think this the lesson it easy because I like about fashion but sometime I don't understand when I read the text because I don't know some vocabulary. I should learned more about vocabulary of fashion and I must prepare before studies. When I read I used strategies is skimming and scanning. I used dictionary online for search vocabulary.
Finally, I like this lesson because it make fun and I know more about fashion. I think fashion it important for current. So everyone should learned about fashion for apply in everyday life.