วันอังคารที่ 22 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558

Fashion (Continue)

On 22 September 2015

       Today I got up early. I came to University in the morning. I felt happy but I felt sleepy too. When class began the teacher talked about point of test two week ago. I got point is 29/40 and I got point secondary of top in the class. I felt uptight and excited. First activities for today is learned about grammar “used to”. I did complete the sentences with used to plus the verb in brackets to make true statements about Yumiko, use the prompts below and write some true sentences about myself and talk to partner and answer the questions. Next, I did activities about vocabulary is look at the pictures and solve the anagrams about hair for example spiky hair, dreadlocks, shaved head and shanggy hair. While I studies the teacher have meet then assign  teacher Putsadee came to control my class. I read a topic is “Splitting hairs”. After reading the teacher explain the topic. Next, I did  1. Match a country with a sentence about the paragraphs. 2. Complete sentence with the linking word to reflect the meaning of the text. 3. Decide if the statement from the text are facts or opinions. 4. Talk to a partner and answer the question. And 4. Write to the student magazine with my opinion about if your University has decided that all female students should have long hair and all male students should have crew cuts. Today I learned finish the lesson is “Fashion”

       I think the lesson is easy because fashion and hairstyle I used to see in the true to life but I have a problem about the vocabulary because some word I don’t know. It is tominology for example Restafarians, Punks, and Mangu. I used the internet and dictionary online for help. I think I should learned more about hairstyle and prepare before came to studies.

       Finally, When I reading the text I used strategies is skimming and scanning. I like this the lesson. I think it has benefit and apply for used in everyday life.

วันอังคารที่ 15 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558


On 15 September 2015 
 Today it's a good weather. But I late again felt so sad and guilty. When class began the teacher answer homework about "Technology". Next, I learned new the lesson is "Fashion". The teacher practice pronunciation from Cambridge Dictionaries online such as  fashion, sneakers, fishnet stockings, kimono, T-shirt, halter top, platform shoes, miniskirt, jeans, make up and high heels. First activities is go out to write opinion about "Fashion" on the bored. Second activities do on worksheet is label the pictures using the words from the list. Third activities is read and check answers in topic "Fusion? Confusion!". After reading I find the topic each paragraph and share in group. Next, agent of each group go out to write answer about topic each paragraph. This activities it takes a long time. When finish this activities I do pre-reading 2 is check the sentences you think are true, answer the question, find he six verb in bold in the text and complete the sentences with the verb from the previous exercise.

       I think this the lesson it easy because I like about fashion but sometime I don't understand when I read the text because I don't know some vocabulary. I should learned more about vocabulary of fashion and I must prepare before studies. When I read I used strategies is skimming and scanning. I used dictionary online for search vocabulary.


Finally, I like this lesson because it make fun and I know more about fashion. I think fashion it important for current. So everyone should learned about fashion for apply in everyday life.

วันพุธที่ 9 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558

Today's technology (Continue)

On 8 September 2015 
       Today I got late . I felt so sad because to I have the test. I felt sleepy very much. I'am not OK and I promise with myself I'am not do it again. I felt guilty and fear. When I arrived classroom I walk and sit at the chair by heart beats faster. In do the test with the intention. After the test the teacher assign students divide into groups. The leader give worksheet each group. My group receive in topic "Facebook". This activities is reading and find the meaning. Next, when reading finish representatives of each group come to share think about the topic own. Next activities the teacher open the podcast on the internet for practice about pronunciation. the last activities is essential skills. I do activities vocabulary, reading about music news & views in the topic is CD vs vinyl.

       I think this the lesson is easy I can do it and I can read because everyone have background knowledge about "Technology" I know. But some word it is problem with me. When I read I used  strateties is skimming and scanning. I used dictionary online for help me for scanning.

        Finally, I like the lesson it about technology. I can read and easy for understand. The lesson is important for everyone because technology maybe develop and change. When I know about the technology I will apply in everyday life.

วันอังคารที่ 1 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2558

Today's technology

On 1 September 2015
Today I learned about "Technology". When class began first activities is look at the picture and express one opinion about the picture in topics is "What is the most enjoyable activities for you?". Second activities the teacher assign students go out to write about technology we are know. Third activities is share information about technology with friends such as benefit of technology and wicked of technology. Fourth activities is the teacher distribute sheet the lesson 3 "Today's technology" I do pre-reading 1 about solve these anagrams. And next activities I do pre-reading 2 is put activities in order of how enjoyable they are to do from 1 to 9, with 1 as most enjoyable. After, I share information about enjoyable with friends. Fifth activities is reading "Profcasts" But befor reading the teacher gave students look at the picture in this topic by prediction/eye-catching. After, I do work in pare a good summary and go out to talk in front the class. Next, I do comprehension is decide which of the sentence endings about the text are true A or B, match a student or professor with their opinion about university podcasts, answer the question and the last comprehension is complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. The last activities I do grammar about present simple and present progressive

I think this the lesson is easy because when I read the topic I know and I can answer the question. And I have background knowledge about technology. But some word I don't know the meaning then I use dictionary online for help. When I reading I use strategies is skimming and scanning and search mean idea in the topics.

Finally, I think this the lesson enjoy for me. I link to learn about technology because it interesting and apply in everyday life.